Crisis Support
24/7 support when you need to speak to someone.
If you or another person is in immediate risk of harm or in an emergency, dial 000 or visit the nearest hospital emergency department.
Entry Point Perth
Entrypoint Perth is a free and voluntary assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Suicide Call Back Service
A free nationwide service providing 24/7 phone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.
Crisis Care
24/7 response to concerns for child's safety and wellbeing, information and referrals for people experiencing crisis.
Suicide Call Back Service
A free nationwide service providing 24/7 phone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.
Kids Help Line
FREE, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Mental Health Emergency Response Line
24/7 support for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, family and carers, or health professionals.
Kids Help Line
FREE, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline
Free 24/7 service provides support for women, with or without children, who are experiencing family and domestic violence.
Children & Adolescent Mental Health Service Crisis Connect
Urgent mental health support, advice and assessment for children and young people.
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline
24/7 information and referrals for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours and for male victims of family and domestic violence.
Crisis Care Helpline
Available 24/7. Provides information, advice, support and intervention for people in crises and needing urgent help.
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC)
24/7 crisis and counselling service people of all genders over 13 years who have experienced recent sexual assault.
Accommodation and Housing Support
Support for people who are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Please reach out for support if you are concerned due to:
- end of lease
- loss of employment
- relationship breakdown
- sleeping in vehicle
St Pat’s Housing Services
Offers a range of accommodation within the greater Fremantle area for men and women, including families, couples and youth housing.
Anglicare WA
Supports adults and families experiencing housing issues, homelessness or at risk of homelessness.
The Lucy Saw Centre
Emergency accommodation and outreach support for women and children affected by family and domestic violence.
Housing Choices Australia
Provider of specialist disability accommodation, social and affordable housing.
Free or low-cost meals
Daily Meals – City of Fremantle
Free meals served and community supports available within the City of Fremantle.
PortCare Community Lunch at C3 Church
Free lunch served Fridays 12pm - 1.30pm at C3 church in South Fremantle
Community Navigators
If you are not sure where to start or need some support to reach out, speak to a community navigator.
Fremantle Rockingham Family Support Network
Community Navigators that assess the needs of families and connect them to a range of local support services.
Fremantle Library Connect
A walk in service at Fremantle Library for free advice, referrals and support.
Search the online directory to find a peer support group in your areas or phone for a referral.
Fremantle Rockingham Family Support Network
Community Navigators that assess the needs of families and connect them to a range of local support services.
Fremantle Library Connect
A walk in service at Fremantle Library for free advice, referrals and support.
Fremantle Rockingham Family Support Network
Community Navigators that assess the needs of families and connect them to a range of local support services.
Fremantle Library Connect
A walk in service at Fremantle Library for free advice, referrals and support.
Search the online directory to find a peer support group in your areas or phone for a referral.
Peer Pathways
A free, WA-wide navigation service that assists people with mental health challenges find the supports needed to promote mental and physical wellbeing.
Peer Pathways
A free, WA-wide navigation service that assists people with mental health challenges find the supports needed to promote mental and physical wellbeing.
Fremantle Rockingham Family Support Network
Community Navigators that assess the needs of families and connect them to a range of local support services.
Fremantle Rockingham Family Support Network
Community Navigators that assess the needs of families and connect them to a range of local support services.
Fremantle Library Connect
A walk in service at Fremantle Library for free advice, referrals and support.
Communities Inclusion Connection Team
Phone and email navigation service providing information and linking community members with local services. Face-to-face service available for people with a disability requiring additional support.
Low-Cost Food Centres and Food Assistance
Where to find low-cost food, food hampers and support for community members experiencing financial hardship
St Patrick’s Community Support Centre
Fresh bread and produce available daily. Mobile Foodbank visits' St Pat's providing low-cost food, available by referral.
PortCare operates a low cost supermarket which sells food and groceries at a fraction of their normal retail cost.
Mobile Foodbank
Mobile Foodbank visits multiple sites each week making it easier for you to access low-cost groceries. Referral required.
South Lake Ottey Family Centre
Provide assistance and support to residents living in the City of Cockburn experiencing financial hardship or distress.
Home visits only for emergency. Food Parcels delivered to you. Must have HCC or Pension Card.
Online Support - Young People
Non-crisis support #chatsafe
Guidelines for young people aged 12-25 years on how to have online conversations about suicide and self-harm.
Telephone and online support for 12 to 25 year olds and those concerned about a young person 12 to 25.
Face-to-Face Support
Non-crisis mental health support
Chat to a qualified professional face-to-face.
headspace Fremantle
Free counselling support service for young people aged 12-25, for mild to moderate mental health cases.
St Pat’s Health Clinic – Counselling Service
Counselling service available for adults - health care card needed.
360 Health+Community – ALIVE Program
Counselling for suicidal thoughts and self harm for ages 17+ years
Multicultural Futures
Free Mental Health and Wellbeing service for adults from a migrant or refugee background.
Just Kids Health
Nurse Practitioners who treat babies to teens and support their families with health issues.
Freo Street Doctor
Free mobile medical service, available in locations across Fremantle, Melville and Cockburn.
Face to face and web-based counselling
headspace Fremantle
Free counselling support service for young people aged 12-25, for mild to moderate mental health cases.
Free counselling service to people impacted by family separation and/or experiencing grief and loss.
360 Health+Community – Alive Program
Our ALIVE program offers regular counselling sessions to help people (aged 17+) in Perth experiencing suicidal thoughts and self-harm.
Youth Actvities
Events, activities and support for young people in the local community.
Cockburn Youth Centre and Support Services
Provides and a range of activities, a safe space and support for young people aged 10-24 living in Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville.
Support for Families
Accommodation, outreach and assistance for families including women and children affected by family and domestic violence and men experiencing relationship difficulties.
The Lucy Saw Centre
Emergency accommodation and outreach support for women and children affected by family and domestic violence.
Communicare – Settle In
Supports migrant and refugee women experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, family and domestic violence.
Uniting WA – Aboriginal Women’s Support
Support for Aboriginal Women experiencing or at risk of family domestic violence.
Men’s Referral Service
Free counselling, information and referral service for men looking to change their behaviour.
Mensline Australia
24/7 support and information service for men and boys who are dealing with family and relationship difficulties.
Young Hearts Child Counselling Service
A free counselling services for young people aged 5-18 years who have been impacted by or experienced family and domestic violence.
Support for Parents and Carers
Information, advice and workshops to support parents and carers through their child’s milestones or challenges.
Ngala Parenting Line
A free support service for WA parents and caregivers of children from 0 to 18 years. – the Australian Parenting website
Provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help families grow and thrive together.
South West Metropolitan Parenting Service
Provides free parenting programs and courses and individual support for those who have a direct full-time, part-time or occasional parenting role.
ReachOut – Parent Coaching
Provides a free coaching service for parents and carers to support teens through a tough time.
Provides resources and support to help parents if a child is showing signs of developmental delay or has a disability, including a guide for Aboriginal families.
Financial Support
Financial Counsellors tell us that the biggest challenge is people waiting too long to reach out for support.
If you have missed a couple of bills and are starting to feel concerned, you may be eligible for a range of programs to get you back on track.
Emergency Relief and Food Access Service
The Emergency Relief and Food Access Service (ERFAS) can help you put food on your table, pay rent or keep up with your bills and help you access local support.
National Debt Helpline
Helps people in Australia tackle their debt problems and get their lives back on track.
Financial Wellbeing Collective
The Financial Wellbeing Collective are a one stop shop for financial support. All services are FREE and everyone is eligible for financial counselling. Call the Financial Wellbeing Collective to book an appointment with a financial counsellor in your local area.
A wider range of support options available in your local community.
My Community Directory
My Community Directory is the place to go to find community services and events in your local community.
Ask Izzy
A website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more.
Health Direct
National directory of health services. Use this directory to find health practitioners in your local area.
Phone and Online Support
Non-crisis support for people experiencing a mental health challenge or going through a tough time.
Head to Health
This website includes a range of resources and free confidential phone support is available to anyone seeking help for their mental and emotional wellbeing.
Telephone and online support for 12 to 25 year olds and those concerned about a young person 12 to 25.
PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia
Supports the mental health of parents and families during pregnancy and in their first year of parenthood.
Suicide Prevention Peer CARE Companion Warmline
A non-crisis call-back service for individuals, those affected by suicide, or people caring for others.
Provides emotional and practical support to families impacted by a loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.
StandBy provides FREE face-to-face and or telephone support to anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide.
Training and Support for Schools
Mental health training and resources for schools including support for students, staff, parents and carers.
RD Enterprises – Training
Provides mental health and wellbeing training to support young people, parenting programs and professional development for teachers and staff.
headspace Fremantle – Training
Mental health education programs for students 12-25, staff, parents and carers.
Standby – Support After Suicide
Face to face and/or phone support, resources and workshops to support children and young people impacted by suicide.
Wanslea – Supporting Kids in Primary Schools (SKIPS)
The SKIPS program is designed to increase understanding of the impact of mental illness on families. – Suicide Prevention & Response
Clear, practical guidance and support for secondary schools in suicide prevention and response. – Toolkits for schools
Implementing school-based mental health programs in secondary schools.
my mind check
Resources and information about common mental health concerns and supports available for students. Schools can register for a tool to check in with students they may be concerned about.
Information & Resources
Free information, resources and training for those experiencing domestic violence or supporting a loved one.
Provides a free step-by-step guide on personal safety support services for people facing family and domestic violence.
Communicare / White Ribbon Australia
Free training on prevention of violence against women for workplaces.
Legal Support
Legal support for women experiencing family domestic violence, facing crisis or disadvantage.
Fremantle Community Legal Service
Family violence lawyer can provide legal and non-legal support to clients currently or recently experiencing family and domestic violence.
Women’s Legal Service WA
Provide legal advice and assistance to women in WA, including matters relating to family violence and family law.
Legal Yarn
Telephone information services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Staffed by mob to support legal worries.
Alcohol and other Drug Support
Support and information for those concerned about their own or a loved one’s alcohol or drug use.
Community Alcohol and Drug Service – South Metro
Provides free and confidential alcohol and other drug services for individuals and families.
Alcohol & Drug Support Line
Provides 24/7 non-judgemental telephone, counselling, information, referral and support lines for alcohol and drug use.
Parent & Family Drug Support Line
Provides 24/7 non-judgemental telephone, counselling, information, referral and support lines for alcohol and drug use.
Meth Helpline
A confidential, non-judgemental, 24/7 telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s meth use.
Support for Carers
Carers can be any age including young carers (children and young people under 25 in a carer role) and can be paid and unpaid.
Many people don’t see themselves as carers. They are just children, parents, partners or friends who care for someone close to them.
If you are a carer, you can get help and support from the government and other organisations.
Carer Gateway
Carer Gateway is a free support program for carers, providing emotional and practical support and services to assist those in a carer role.
Tenancy Support
If you are experiencing rental stress or tenancy issues, advice from tenancy advocates is to reach out early as there is support available to get you back on track and maintain your public or private rental home.
Circle Green Community Legal
Provide resources and legal support to people who rent their home to resolve their tenancy problems.
Fremantle Legal Centre
Tenant Advocates provide advice on tenancy issues to clients in public and private rentals who live within Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville.
WA Rent Relief Program
Provides one-off rent relief payments to help tenants who are at risk of eviction because their rent is in arrears, to negotiate with their landlords to extend their tenancy. For eligible private rental tenants.
Anglicare WA Private Tenancy Support
Provides support to people residing in private rental accommodation if they are at risk of homelessness.
Looking for urgent help?
24/7 support when you need to speak to someone.
If you or another person is in immediate risk of harm or in an emergency, dial 000 or visit the nearest hospital emergency department.
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline is a free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Children & Adolescent Mental Health Service Crisis Connect
Urgent mental health support, advice and assessment for children and young people, available 24/7.
Emergency Relief and Food Access Service
The Emergency Relief and Food Access Service (ERFAS) can help you put food on your table, pay rent or keep up with your bills and help you access local support.
Entrypoint Perth
If you are living on the streets or in your car, couch surfing, facing eviction from your accommodation or escaping family and domestic violence, Entrypoint may be able to help you.
Looking for mental health support?
Non-crisis supports if you are concerned about your mental health or worried about a friend.
Supports include free counselling, resources and information for mental health, drug and alcohol use, relationship breakdown, bereavement and loss.
Mental Health Friendly GP’s
The Black Dog Institute ‘finding a mental health friendly doctor,’ is a helpful guide for patients to find the right GP.
Lifeline – Counselling
Free counselling for young people who have experienced a bereavement or been affected by a relationship breakdown.
headspace Fremantle
Provides free and confidential services which offer health advice, support and information for young people aged 12-25
Telephone and online support for 12 to 25 year olds and those concerned about a young person 12 to 25.
CYPRESS is a free and long term support service for children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 who have been bereaved by suicide.
Youth Focus
Provides FREE face-to-face or web-based counselling for young people aged 12 to 25 years.
Free counselling and support for young people concerned about their own alcohol and drug use or worried about someone else.
Freedom Centre
Free counselling service open for LGBTIQA+ young people aged 12 to 26 (Perth) and 12 to 25 (regional WA).
Young Hearts Child Counselling Service
A free counselling services for young people aged 5-18 years who have been impacted by or experienced family and domestic violence.
Looking for support with money or housing?
If you have missed a couple of bills and are starting to feel concerned, you may be eligible for a range of support to get you back on track.
Emergency Relief and Food Access Service
The Emergency Relief and Food Access Service (ERFAS) can help you put food on your table, pay rent or keep up with your bills and help you access local support.
Financial Wellbeing Collective
The Financial Wellbeing Collective are a one stop shop for financial support. All services are FREE and everyone is eligible for financial counselling. Call the Financial Wellbeing Collective to book an appointment with a financial counsellor in your local area.
Entrypoint Perth
If you are living on the streets or in your car, couch surfing, facing eviction from your accommodation or escaping family and domestic violence, Entrypoint may be able to help you.
Anglicare Y-SHAC
Y-Shac can provide young people aged 15-20 who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness with crisis accommodation, and 16-25 year olds with transitional housing.
St Pat’s Youth Place
Youth Place assists young people aged 15 to 25 who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness.
Services Australia – School leavers resource eKit
Download a resource kit to support school leavers to apply for Centrelink payments - Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY.
Looking for wellbeing support?
If you are feeling lonely or want to be part of something in your community try connecting with local youth groups or activities.
Cockburn Youth Centre and Support Services
Provides and a range of activities, a safe space and support for young people aged 10-24 living in Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville.
City of Fremantle – Youth
Provides a range of events and activities for young people aged 12-25 years.