Mental Health Support for School Communities

Fremantle Rockingham Family Support Network

Community Navigators that assess the needs of families and connect them to a range of local support services.

A local network of high quality, integrated services that support families and young people at risk.

The service involves assessing family needs and either coordinating a range of services to work with the family or linking the family with a partner agency who will coordinate the services they need and/or provide case management.

If a service is not immediately available following assessment, families are placed on active hold and are actively supported while they are waiting to receive a service, rather than being waitlisted. This enables the FSN to monitor the family and take action if required to prevent the situation from escalating.

  • Where is the door? Community Directories

    If you can’t find what you are looking for, try a community directory for more options.

  • Community Connectors

    Someone who can talk through the best way to access help for your individual circumstances.

  • Advice and information to support a friend through a tough time, whether it’s mental health issues, relationship problems or financial difficulties.

  • Mental Health in School Communities

    Support and information for young people, parents and carers and school communities.

  • Parenting Supports

    Support for parents, guardians and families caring for children of all ages

  • Support for those caring for a family member or friend with a disability, mental illness or who is frail due to age.