Community Navigators that assess the needs of families and connect them to a range of local support services.
A local network of high quality, integrated services that support families and young people at risk.
The service involves assessing family needs and either coordinating a range of services to work with the family or linking the family with a partner agency who will coordinate the services they need and/or provide case management.
If a service is not immediately available following assessment, families are placed on active hold and are actively supported while they are waiting to receive a service, rather than being waitlisted. This enables the FSN to monitor the family and take action if required to prevent the situation from escalating.
A guide for young people, aged 12-25, living in Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville who are looking for support and are not sure where to start.
Support and information for young people, parents and carers and school communities.
Someone who can talk through the best way to access help for your individual circumstances.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, try a community directory for more options.
Free and low-cost meals, food, accommodation and support services.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, try a community directory for more options.
Someone who can talk through the best way to access help for your individual circumstances.
Support and information for young people, parents and carers and school communities.
A guide for young people, aged 12-25, living in Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville who are looking for support and are not sure where to start.