
Community Snapshot

  • Melville Community Snapshot

    A snapshot of the City of Melville which provides an overview of the health and wellbeing of the city including vital statistics such as the gap between rich and poor, health, learning, and belonging.

  • Cockburn Community Snapshot

    A snapshot of the City of Cockburn which provides an overview of the health and wellbeing of the city including vital statistics such as the gap between rich and poor, health, learning, and belonging.

  • Fremantle Community Snapshot

    A snapshot of the City of Fremantle which provides an overview of the health and wellbeing of the city including vital statistics such as the gap between rich and poor, health, learning, and belonging.

Ordering Prints

To order printed copies of these resources to share with your community, use the link below to order what you need.

Where Is The Door? Poster Resources

Thanks to our local government partners for funding these printed resources.