Provides free parenting programs and courses and individual support for those who have a direct full-time, part-time or occasional parenting role.

A partnership between Meerilinga Parenting Service, City of Cockburn and Kwinana Early Years Service supporting parents with children aged birth to 18 years in Cockburn, Rockingham, Kwinana, Fremantle, Melville and East Fremantle.

‘Parent’ includes mums, dads, carers, foster carers, relative carers, stepfamilies, grandfamilies and others who have a direct full-time, part-time or occasional parenting role.

Parents can access parenting support services to assist them in:

  • managing the challenges of parenting;
  • building knowledge, skills and confidence;
  • understanding children’s development; and
  • identifying local community supports and other relevant networks.