Legal Support

Legal support for women experiencing family domestic violence, facing crisis or disadvantage.

Women’s Legal Service WA

  • WA Metro

Providing a range of legal services to assist women in crisis or facing disadvantage.

Fremantle Community Legal Service

  • Fremantle Cockburn Melville

Family violence lawyer can provide legal and non-legal support to clients currently or recently experiencing family and domestic violence.

Legal Aid WA

  • Western Australia

Providing low-cost legal assistance for Western Australians.

Women’s Legal Service WA

  • Fremantle Cockburn Melville, Western Australia

Provide legal advice and assistance to women in WA, including matters relating to family violence and family law.

Legal Yarn

  • Fremantle Cockburn Melville, Western Australia

Telephone information services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Staffed by mob to support legal worries.